Sunday, April 13, 2008

I'm sort of sick. Probably picked it up from N, my 3 year old friend, who I babysat this week.

Total culture shock by the way - nothing like moving to the burbs, and doing a commute, daycare, and parenting for a week to make you re - examine your own life. It's good to be back - back in the city, where I walk places, go get a good cup of coffee, and eat a good bagel. Connectedness is so important to me - having neighbors around who I know, having fun places to go in the neighborhood, being able to get from one place to the other without getting into a car.

So today, even though I was driving to the local branches of large chains, I am so grateful for where I live, and for the people I live with. I'll trade a fancier house any day if it means I live with people who like me, in a neighborhood that I like to live in.

Time for more advil - stupid fever.

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